Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Im Back in Maine just in time for the hurricane

Back in Maine just in time for the hurricane and it hasn't stopped raining in 2 days. My friend Bob owns a golf course in Scarborough and I stayed there for a few days for the rain to pass. Bob flew me in to Naples to pick up my Cub. The weather is clearing so now I'm off and running. I stopped in at Twitchell's seaplane base for the night and the next day I flew the coast of Maine down to Kennebunkport.


Boat Driver said...

Looks like you need to hang out for a week or so too let the leaves peak and then follow them south Steve. Nancy and I are heading north after the Gator parade on the 24th. By then we won't have to go to far to find them changing. I wanted to do VT but Skiing Sarasota has put a wrinkle in that and then I am taking Nancy to see Dolly Parton in Jacksonville on the 21st. Hope your having fun. Thomas

Steve- said...

Thomas, Yes i have been having fun ( except having the 24 hour flu bug that kicked my butt!) the leaves are changing fast in ME/NH and i do plan to spend time in VT this next week. have you ever been up to Northern Lights on Lake Champlain? i may just fly across the Canadian border for the hell of it.....anyway, i dont really want to come home. steve